Aspire (SIS)

Check on your students progress and sign up for e-mail updates.

Tutoring Link

Aspire Instructions:

  • Website: SIS Login
  • Click on: “Request a Username”
  • Enter Student ID: Aspire (SIS) NUMBER
  • Enter Student Date of Birth
  • Once logged in “Confirm Student”, “Choose Contact Name”, “Choose a Username and Password”, then click “Create Account”
  • Please “VERIFY” that your information and student’s information is correct. You can also “Update Student Contact Information”.
  • Choose “Subscribe” (top right) if you would like to receive e-mail updates daily or weekly on your student's attendance and grades.
  • Click on “E-mail All Teachers” (bottom left) if you need to contact some are all of your student's teachers.

Canvas (LMS)

Students in grades 7-9 will be using Canvas and Office 365 to complete their school work and stay in touch with their teachers.

Teachers will be asking our jr. high students to use Canvas to view information, receive and submit assignments, and take quizzes. This is also a web-based program and can be accessed through

Canvas Parent App Instructions (docx)

The Canvas Parent app enhances the potential for parents to engage in their children's education. Parents can review upcoming or past assignments, check on grades, and receive alerts for student activity. Canvas Parent can be used by anyone who creates an account, has been added to Canvas with an observer role, or has signed up as a parent using the web browser. The Courses tab displays the list of courses where their students are enrolled. For each course, parents can see course grades, the syllabus, and assignments and events. Grades display according to the course grading scheme. Assignments and events can be viewed by course or week. Parents can set reminders for a specific assignment or event, which are sent to mobile devices as push notifications.

What is Canvas Parent App?
The app settings allow parents to set alerts for specific assignment and grade activity. Alerts are displayed in the Alerts page in the app.

How to download the Canvas Parent app on an iOS device
Download Canvas Parent app on an iOS device

How do I use the Canvas Parent app on an iOS device
How do I use the Canvas Parent app on an iOS device

How to download the Canvas Parent app on an Android device
Download Canvas Parent app on an Android device

How do I use the Canvas Parent app on an Android device
How do I use the Canvas Parent app on an Android device

Office 365

Students in grades 7-9 will be using Office 365 and Canvas to complete their school work and stay in touch with their teachers.

Students will go need to login to their account at home by accessing Office 365

Students will receive a login and password from their teachers. Office 365 will allow students the use of Word, Powerpoint, Excel, OneDrive, etc. This is a free program and is web-based. Students will be able to begin an assignment at school and finished it from home. This will also be helpful to students who are sick at home or on vacation. Students will be able to complete assignments in Office 365 and then upload them to Canvas to be graded if the teacher so desires.

Online Payments

We now offer a convenient way to pay for your student's class fees, athletics, field trips, library fees, lunches, and even make donations!

School Fees

Other Fees

School Lunch

An e-mail notification will be sent to you confirming each payment you make.
For questions about account setup or making a payment, please call (800) 764-0844.

Fee Schedule 23-24 (pdf)
2024/2025 School Fees (pdf)


The Parent Teacher Student Organization is meant to facilitate communication and involvement between parents and teachers.

PTSO Board:
* President – Mackenzie Jones
* Treasurer – Melissa Hancock-Taylor

Contact Info -

PTSO Board and Chair Descriptions (pdf)

You can only record your hours once a day.
Don’t forget to send yourself a receipt for your volunteer hour records so you can keep track.

Record your Volunteer Hours HERE!